Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
2 Months!!!
Gooooooooood Evening ladies and gentleman! And also last but not least those heroes who returned from the wars of the golden light, the Gold Savior! Sudah agak lama gue ngga ngepost apa-apa di blog gue nih.. Sibuk dengan banyak hal, tentunya bersama pasangan dums ;;) haha.. Yaps berhubungan dengan itu, BESOK GUE ANNIVERSARY YANG KE 2 BULAN!! *dancing* Gue seneng banget karena ngga kerasa sudah mau 2 bulan gue menjalani hidup baru gue dengan pacar gue bro! Ya 2 bulan dari selamanya itu memang baru sedikit sekali, tapi gue bakal sabar menunggunya hahaha. Setiap gue berdoa, gue meminta ke Tuhan YME supaya kita bisa langgeng selamanya, sehat selalu, dan gue meminta Dia untuk menjaga pacar gue (Bella) sebaik mungkin terjaga dari hal yang negatif.. Well gue juga ga lupa doa buat keluarga gue dong :p (y). Akhir kata, gue mau mengucapkan Happy 2 Months Anniversary for me and my dear Bell<3 :*
Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012
Happy Sunday!
Hey bloggers! Today is sunday, the last day of the weekend, the best day for kids (well... everyone), but not me and my highschool friends! Jadi ceritanya seperti ini, BESOK UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER! SEMESTERS EXAM!! Terlebih lagi ujian hari pertama adalah matematika. Amazing. Oke walaupun besok ujian akhir semester (atau UAS), today i really miss my girlfriend. I really do. Gue kangen banget sama pacar gue, banget sekali. Tapi gue malah menjadi lebih semangat belajar, soalnya kalo inget pacar gue, dan besok UAS, yang gue pikirin adalah hari-hari setelah UAS! gue diperkirakan ada kurang lebih waktu 1 minggu free (sisanya persiapan mos buat anak-anak baru yang mau masuk global prestasi). In that time, i'll be with her as long as she and i need. Dan gue juga ngga lupa sama temen-temen gue, kelas Barricade! There's a plan that we're going to a vacation, antara puncak, bandung, dan waterboom.. Kemanapun kita, gue akan ikut dan berseneng-seneng ama mereka hahahahaha. Sebenernya hari jumat kemarin adalah hari terakhir belajar bareng sama mereka :( tapi gue bilang ke mereka buat jangan sedih, soalnya Barricade selalu ada dihati! Yap, dan untuk menutup post ini, gue mau ngucapin Happy Sunday untuk semua orang didunia. So, HAPPY SUNDAY! (:
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Theo Walcott
Guys, this is Theo James Walcott. He is my favorite player who plays for Arsenal team, and also the England National Team. He is a striker who is usually strike from the right wing. I really love it when he scored from the right, it is so awsome! And more, his number is 14. That number is really special to me, and everytime he wore his uniform, well i can't say a word for it. It's just incredibly fucking cool!!
Senin, 14 Mei 2012
First moth anniversary
Hai teman-teman, gue mau mengumumkan pengumuman. Kemarin hari senin tanggal 14 gue Anniversary 1 bulan sama cewe gue, Anambella <3. Dan gue sangat keterlaluan karena gue lupa menuliskannya di blog kemarin :( gue baru hari ini mau nulisnya. Bella padahal udah nulis kemarin.... Secara personal gue mau minta maaf kepada Anambella, pacar gue tercinta karena kesalahan tersebut... Oh iya,
Rabu, 09 Mei 2012
Ini adalah Hagi
Dia adalah penggemar chelsea fc, dia dibilang mirip fernando torres, tapi mukanya ngga. ini menjelaskan kenapa gue posting kedua gue tentang chelsea. dapat dilihat di fotonya dia sedang menggali emas, sangat menarik.
Dia adalah penggemar chelsea fc, dia dibilang mirip fernando torres, tapi mukanya ngga. ini menjelaskan kenapa gue posting kedua gue tentang chelsea. dapat dilihat di fotonya dia sedang menggali emas, sangat menarik.
This is the Netherlands football club, this year i'm sure that they'll win the Euro 2012! And Robin Van Persie will be the top scorer!!
Hai selamat pagi semua umat manusia, selamat pagi fans arsenal, dan selamat pagi untuk pacar gue :) Hari ini gue mau ngenalin anak-anak kelas gue, nama kelas gue BARRICADE. Nama ini kita pilih karena sesuai dengan kelas kita, bersatu kita kuat dan 1 runtuh semua runtuh. Kita mulai dari absen pertama.
1. Vania, cewe
2. Indi, ce.....we
3. Davi, cowo jelas
4. Fabel, hulk
5. Fajar, cewe
6. Ferick, cowo
7. Hagi, ?
8. Ivan, cowo
9. Keyko, cewe
10. Mayti, cewe
11. Rahman, cowo jelas
12. Nabin, cowo...
13. Michelle, cewe
14. Sasya, cewe
15. Pingkan, cewe
16. Rama, cowoe
17. Rini, cewe
18. Rizka, cewe
19. Salsa, cewo
21. Vinka, cewe
22. Vinsen, cowo
23. Wilson, cowo jelas
24. Youngky, cowoo
25. Zefanya, cewe
26. Rafif, co....wo
Mereka semua adalah anggota BARRICADE, anggota yang akan diingat selamanya.
We are barricade, we are barricade, we are barricade, we are barricade 20x
Senin, 07 Mei 2012
Golden Red River
Ini adalah anjing Golden Red River, anjing yang pengen banget dimiliki oleh pacar gue. Kelak gue mau beliin ini buat dia :&
This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race
"This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" lagu dari band rock amerika Fall Out Boy album Infinity On High pada 2007. Lagu ini pertama kali disiarkan pada 30 September 2006 di stasiun radio Philadelphia
Rabu, 02 Mei 2012
Keep The Blue Flag Flying High
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
Here at the Bridge, whether rain or fine
We can shine all the time
Home or away, come and see us play
You're welcome any day
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name
Come to the Shed and we'll welcome you
Wear your blue and see us through
Sing loud and clear until the game is done
Sing Chelsea everyone
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
We can shine all the time
Home or away, come and see us play
You're welcome any day
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name
Come to the Shed and we'll welcome you
Wear your blue and see us through
Sing loud and clear until the game is done
Sing Chelsea everyone
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
Forever Arsenal!
Arsenal will be in my blood as well as my heart, I will always always always remember you guys, I said i was going to be a Gunner for life and i did not LIE because when you are a Gunner, you will always be a Gunner, This club is in my heart and will remain in my heart forever
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